Our Financial Modelling team can design and build innovative, agile & accessible models and solutions, with powerful analytical capabilities that can bring insight and clarity to your business. We can enhance and automate existing models, increasing the efficiency of your models and processes.

We have substantial experience in building and managing complex models on an in-house basis with our clients. Combining our modelling, technical accounting and commercial experience means that we understand first-hand the challenges that our clients face. We are also signatory to and have adopted the FAST modelling standards.

Models and spreadsheets are an imperative feature of any business - from planning & forecasting to company valuations. Models often lack the robustness, efficiency and usability needed to bring value – and are often not built to cope with the quantum of data generated.

Our services

We design, build and advise on the construction of robust, efficient & user-friendly models and solutions which provide insight and clarity to your business.

We can help you with all of your modelling and analytical requirements, including:

  • Designing and building new financial models
  • Reviewing, enhancing and automating existing models
  • Providing analytical services including strategic forecasting and budgeting
  • Providing data visualisation services

Typical models include:

  • Black Scholes & Monte Carlo share options valuation models
  • Valuation of derivative financial instruments
  • Company valuations
  • Cash flow and working capital models
  • Budgeting and forecasting models

The challenge

Budgeting and forecasting processes have been key tools of a company’s planning process for many years, and they play an even more crucial role in today’s uncertain times.

Constructing a budgeting or a forecasting model can be a time-consuming and complicated task, whether it be modelling the assumptions, updating changes or building in scenario analysis functionality.

Our services

Our financial modelling team can help you with the construction of your budgeting and forecasting models.

  • Model all assumptions – whether they be financial or non-financial
  • Design the model so that it is clear to follow and flexible to update
  • Build in scenario analysis functionality, empowering you to gain an understanding of the impact of different model inputs on the forecast outcome
  • Create a visually exciting dashboard analysis, providing essential insights into your budgets and forecasts

Typical models include:

  • Budgeting and strategic forecasting models
  • Financial and non-financial forecasting models
  • Operational and environmental forecasting models
  • Infrastructure and project finance models

The challenge

Have your existing Excel models become unmanageable?

Models that have been updated by several different users over time, with new functionality added on an ad-hoc basis on to the existing model, can become confusing, unwieldy and inflexible to use. Time and resource is often wasted on the resulting manual updating processes. In the most extreme circumstances, the original developer of the model may have left the company and is the only one with the valuable knowledge on the model.

Models can often lack proper internal controls, leading to a higher risk of model errors.

Models can be difficult to share with other users in the business and it can become increasingly harder to extract insights from the models regarding key business developments.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Our services

  • Audit and check your model for errors and inconsistencies using our FA workbook toolbar
  • Resolve your model issues by repairing and enhancing your existing models
  • Replacing cumbersome manual updating processes with streamlined automated ones
  • Review and document your model, so that future users will be able to understand the logic and workings of the model
  • Enhance the analytical capabilities of your model, building in user-friendly sensitivity analysis capabilities and adding in a set of robust internal controls

The challenge

Data is becoming more and more of a core asset for companies.

Recent game-changing advances in technology have introduced cheap and user-friendly data visualization tools, turning data analytics into a major source of competitive advantage.

The primary challenge facing businesses is how to turn these large and complex datasets into actionable insights.

Our services

Our Financial Modelling team offer a range of data management and business intelligence services to transform your decision-making process.

  • Data management by consolidating and transforming your company’s data from any data source and maintaining the data infrastructure
  • Build an interactive platform of reports and dashboards using data visualisation tools such as Power BI or even Excel’s dashboarding capabilities
  • The reporting platform provides visual clarity to identify insights and trends that lead to better and smarter decision-making, planning, strategies and actions

Our team

We have substantial experience in providing BI solutions across a range of industry sectors including shipping and logistics, energy, real estate and asset management.

Our team has worked with a wide variety of stakeholders including finance, operations, marketing and technical.

Our Head of Financial Modelling has spoken at several Business Intelligence and Big Data industry events and has hosted a number of podcasts, webinars and live workshops on the subject.

Our courses

Our Financial Modelling team offer several training courses related to financial modelling and business analytics. You will learn the same techniques and methods that are used by the financial modelling team in their daily client-related work.

  • Training subjects include
    - Creating a financial dashboard in Excel®
    - Creating a financial dashboard in PowerBI®



"Throgmorton Power BI® training dashboard"

Throgmorton Power BI® training dashboard

Being part of Apex Group, our clients have access to the broadest range of industry solutions across the value chain from a single source.

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