With tax regimes around the world increasingly complex, the need for local expertise is essential for personal wealth planning and managing risk exposure. Our team of specialists can provide tailored solutions to help you navigate those complexities and advise individuals moving between jurisdictions to take advantage of any new opportunities. 

In the UK, we help both UK individuals and foreign nationals who have established residency and/or a tax reporting requirement in the UK, with a particular focus on the application of ‘Non-Dom’ regimes for UK resident Non-Domiciled individuals.

We offer a broad tax planning service, covering Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, Stamp Duty, Land Tax and Trust Tax.

We can also assist with taxation of private equity carried interest, to make sure you get the most out of any tax reliefs.

Being part of Apex Group, our clients have access to the broadest range of industry solutions across the value chain from a single source.

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